Why you're always told you should "keep up" with consumers

self care sunday wiltw Mar 21, 2020

For as long as I can remember, influential speakers have been preaching to salespeople, especially Realtors, they'd better "keep up with the consumer, or else".

When I became one of the "preachers", I never wanted to use my voice to spread that message. Frankly, people who do are often full of shit.

So recently when I heard a very well known person repeat that warning yet again on a podcast, I knew I couldn't stay quiet.

Check out part 3 in the series on avoiding bad advice. Then let me know in the comments if you agree with me or the person on the podcast!

** Are you running virtual team meetings? I'm available to be a guest speaker! Together we'll keep your team focused on growth based thinking and on taking action as opposed to getting stuck in fear. I can deliver the message in this Avoiding Bad Advice series, my 15 Ways To Prepare For A Market Shift session, or anything else you'd like. Hit reply and we'll set it up! No groups are too small. 🎀

Avoiding Bad Advice Part 2

Avoiding Bad Advice Part 1

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