Six questions that will recharge you for the next six months

self care sunday Jun 27, 2020

Am I the only one wondering what's happening to time? How can we be half way through 2020? You're not trying to rush it are you? 

From my point of view, this year has been full of excitement and opportunity. Whether you feel the same way or not, give yourself a few minutes to watch this week's video. Here's why:

If my income depended on your production, I'd coach you through a set of questions designed to keep you inspired and productive for the second half of the year. Use this to turn your year around, or make it even better than you thought it could be! Here are the questions mentioned in the video...πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

  1.  When you think about the goals you set in January, what has changed?
  2. What have you done well so far this year?
  3. What have you done this year that’s left you feeling inspired and energized?
  4. What have you done this year that’s left you feeling drained and off course?
  5. Which limiting beliefs have you allowed to hold you back this year?
  6. What would make you feel like you really applied yourself if you accomplished it in the next six months?

So what did you discover about yourself through your answers? Let me know how this impacted you in the comments! 

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