The Top ProducerĀ Blog

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The only way you'll ever take a day off

self care sunday Oct 01, 2020


You deserve a day off. I mean a full day away from work each week, both physically and mentally. After all, the ability to control your schedule is one of the reasons you went into self-employment, isn't it? Yet so many agents struggle to do just that.

I'm often told that what people remember most from our work together is the inspiration and ability gained to take as much time off (guilt free) as they want. When I hear this, I know they've learned a secret that goes beyond time blocking and the "perfect daily schedule".

Watch this week's vlog to learn what my clients love even more than becoming great at sales!

Let's go think bigger this week,


PS. I've been watching authors launch their books with virtual events and honestly, they've been dull. Not the authors themselves, the events. Maybe I've got Zoom fatigue! Thankfully, there's time to plan fun and exciting events for the launch of my book, The Top Producer Life. For the book tour, would you prefer I come to your city or through your screen? Let me know here.

Alternate versions of this post appear on:

The National Association of REALTORS Young Professionals Network Blog


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